Newfoundland Media Stew

My take on what is on the local airwaves... Good or Bad?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What is Newfoundland Media?

Okay, for years I've commented to friends, family, co-workers, or basically anyone who would listen to me jabber about our local entertainment types. Now, I don't mean those in the theater or those playing live music because basically I don't get out that much. I mean those who are on the airwaves.

This blog has been spurred on in particular by the sorry state of the St. John's radio market. At one time, we had so many "cool" DJ's (are they still called that anymore...) but they have either gotten old or moved on.

Over the next while I will examine each of the FM stations (I do not and will not listen to AM) and will also comment on local television newscasts and shows.

All opinions are my own, and if you do not agree feel free to leave your comments. My feelings won't be hurt and hopefully neither will yours.

BTW, Shakespeare I am not, so don't expect sweeping text and multi-syllabic words cause that ain't me!!

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